Friday, 25 July 2014

Day 9 (16 May)

Our last day in the PP area. It was very much a case of going over old ground, with next to nothing new reported, while we still delighted in the spectacle of the gaudy American warblers, the day was hard work with the only new species being an Arcadian Flycatcher near the Marsh Boardwalk. 

It was the same old... at Hillman Marsh, but the drive down the lane behind the cottage did produce our only views of Sandhill Cranes on the deck – a pair stalking the drying out flooded fields.

Back at the cottage, both Martins set up for a last scan of the flood/scrape. MB managed to forget about the steel post he was stood next to and when he went to return to the cottage he went down face first, much to the amusement of Phil who had just joined them.

After eating, it was make sure the cottage was clean, the bedding washed and the car parked for the long overnight drive to Algonquin.

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